Curriculum Vitae
The following details are an abridged version of Dr Michael Beckles’ Curriculum Vitae. If you would like additional information or a full copy of his CV, please contact us and we can send this to you.
Name | Michael Andrew Beckles |
Address | The Physicians’ Clinic 13–14 Devonshire Street London W1G 7AE |
Tel | 020 7034 8303 |
Fax | 020 7692 7927 |
GMC No | 3481105 |
MPS No | 180835 |
University Degrees
- BSc (Hons) Pharmacology & Physiology June 1987
- MB ChB 1990
Postgraduate Qualifications
- FRCP (UK) 2006
Present Posts
- Consultant Respiratory and General Physician, Royal Free Hospital, London
- Honorary Consultant Royal Brompton Hospital, London
Special Interests
Asbestos-related lung disease, lung cancer; interventional bronchoscopy; non-invasive ventilation; acute general medicine.